Binance's AI-powered NFT generator hits 10K mints in 2.5 hours

Published at: March 2, 2023

Binance’s newly launched artificial intelligence-powered nonfungible token (NFT) generator has been churning out digital art at full capacity, reaching a cap of 10,000 NFT mints in just 2.5 hours after launch.

On Mar. 1, the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance launched an AI-powered NFT generator called “Bicasso” in beta.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao told users “you can turn your creative visions into NFTs with AI,” following it up a couple of hours later with “Bicasso first pilot just completed with 10K NFT minted in 2.5 hours. The AI was a little stressed out, but caught its [breath] now.”

BICASSO first pilot just completed with 10K NFT minted in 2.5 hours. The AI was a little stressed out, but caught its breathe now.

— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) March 1, 2023

The system is an AI-powered image-generation tool similar to AI-art platforms such as DALL-E. Users can either upload an image such as a profile picture for the AI to work on, or can type in creative prompts that will generate a bespoke image created with AI.

According to initial mint data, 9,909 owners created at least one NFT as part of the limited beta. The images were part of the pilot so are not available for resale.

Users were eager to share their creations on crypto Twitter.

#Bicasso is a new AI-powered NFT generator that Binance released in beta on Wednesday. It allows users to create NFTs by typing in a creative prompt or uploading an image. Users can then mint their images as NFTs on Binance’s native BNBchain. Do you want to try it out?

— Yuki Eliot (@yuki_binance) March 1, 2023

Following the pilot launch Binance acknowledged there were a few glitches due to demand, stating:

“Our team is currently working to increase the server abilities to reduce errors and to make the minting process smoother.”

It added that those that missed out on the 10K beta quota can still sign up for the waitlist for the full version.

The most recent NFT, “Bicasso AI#10445” was minted just an hour ago, according to the platform.

Related: AI-generative art predicted to be next trend for NFT sector

Generative art is a new archetype in the art world that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system. On Feb. 28, renowned auction house Christie’s auctioned Taylor Hobbs’ “Fidenza #724”, an NFT created with a computer algorithm, for $440,000.

In August, Google Cloud AI transformed all 10,000 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs into machine-made works of art.

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